Backing up your information is very important. You never know when something can happen, which could cause you to lose your information. There are three types of backup. The three types of backs are system image, local backup, and office site backup.
System Image
A system image is a form of backup where your whole system, so you can quickly get it back up and running.
There are many software programs which helps you make system image backups. Some are free while others you have to pay for. Some programs are:
- AOMEI Backupper
- Citronella
- DriveImage XML
- Easus Todobackup
- Macrium Refect
- Rescuezilla (Clonezilla GUI)
- True Image
- Windows 7 System Image Backup
Local Backup
A local backup is when you have one or more copies other then the original. When making a local backup it is important to put them on more then one type of media, such as a hard drive or a flash drive. There are some programs that can help you backup your files. Below are some of them.
- AshampooBackup
- Backup Maker
- Comodo Backup
- FileFort
- Freebyte
- GoodSync
- NTI Backup Now EZ 7.5
- Ocster Backup
If you you want to use a command program then check the article Robocopy | Microsoft Learn. Robocopy is fast and very powerful.
Other People’s Opinion Useful Software
Check out the article for more useful software.
Offsite Backup
Offsite backup is when you have a copy of your files away from the place where you work on them. This can exist of hard drive, flash drives, or a copy in the cloud. The cloud is a server or servers at a well prepared facility. There are several services that offer both free and paid amount of storage. These services consist of the following:
A word of warning do not just depend on online backup, because you do not have control of the service. Always make sure you have a local backup
I hope you find this article very use. Backups are very important to do.