Windows System Files Repair

Sometimes the files that use to perform critical system functions get corrupted. Corrupted system files can cause your Windows PC not to boot or shutdown properly. Corrupted files can also cause Windows features not to work correctly.

Lucky Microsoft built a very useful utility in Windows called the System File Checker (SFC for short). To use SFC do the following.

Lauuch an elevated cmd.

Type SFC/Scannow.

If you get an error like an saying that if found files, but they could be fixed then it is time to use the DISM command, which fixes the files used by SFC to fix Windows system files. To use the tool type

DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth

Restart your PC once the tool has completed and run SFC/Scannow from and elevated prompt.

After running SFC/Scannow you should see the message below, which means everything is good.

“Windows Resource Protection did not find any integrity violations.”

If you still have problems, then run chkdsk /r to check for errors on the disk and run SFC / DISM again.

If you still have problems, then it is time to consider reinstalling Windows Just remember to back up first.

Check out for more information on both commands.

Check out the videos below for a demonstration of the tools in action.