Top Internet Browser Shortcuts

KeystrokesWhat The Keystrokes Do
F1Get Help
ALT+HOMEGo to your Home Page
ALT+ RIGHT ARROWGo to next page
ALT+LEFT ARROW or BACKSPACEGo  to the previous page
F11Toggle between Full Screen  and regular screen
F5 or CTRL+RRefresh the current web page
CTRL+NOpens up a new browser window
CTRL+FFind text on a page
CTRL+PPrints the current page or frame (Look for a print or print friendly link on the page.  This link would save ink and paper)
CTRL+F5Forces a refresh of a webpage even if nothing has changed
CTRL+DAdd the current page to you bookmarks / favorites
CTRL+BOpen the organize bookmark / favorites
CTRL+ENTERAdds www. to beginning and .com to the end of the address in the address  bar.
CTRL+SHIFT+ENTERAdds www. to beginning and .org to the end of the address in the address  bar.
SHIFT+ENTERAdds www. to beginning and net. to the end of the address in the address  bar.