Word 2016 Keyboard Shortcuts

Word 2016 Keyboard Shortcuts By Scott Sekinger

Selecting Text Keyboard Shortcut

Word 2016 has tons of keyboard shortcuts that will make you very efficient in using Word 2010.  Below is a table of what I consider to be the useful keyboard shortcuts.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard shortcutWhat the shortcut does
Ctrl+ ASelect all text.
Shift+ Right Arrow Shift+ Left ArrowSelects one letter to the right. Selects one letter to the left.
Shift+ UP Arrow Shift Down ArrowSelects one line up Selects one line down.
Shift+ Page UP Shift+ Page DownSelects one page up Selects one page down.

Undo Copy and Paste Keyboard Shortcuts

All the shortcuts of the copy and cut shortcuts requires you to select the text.

Keyboard ShortcutWhat the Keyboard shortcut Does.
Ctrl+ CCopies current selected text
Ctrl+ XCuts current selected text
DelDeletes selected text
InsertAllows you to insert text.
Ctrl+ Shift+ CCopy text format
Ctrl+ Shift+ VPaste text format
Ctrl+ TPaste text only (No formatting at all)
Ctrl+ ZUndo last action
Ctrl+ YRedoes last action

Formatting Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard shortcutWhat the shortcut does
Ctrl+ BTurns Bold on and off
Ctrl+ ITurns Italics on and off.
Ctrl+ UTurns underline on and off.
Ctrl+ [Decrease font one size
Ctrl+]Increase font one size
Ctrl + shift + wUnderline selected words but not spaces
Ctrl + shift + DDouble-underline text
Ctrl+ ECenter text
Ctrl+ LLeft alien text
Ctrl+ RRight alien text


Keyboard ShortcutsWhat the shortcuts does.
HomeJump to the start of the line
EndJump to the end of the line
Ctrl + HomeJump to the top of the document
Ctrl + EndJump to the bottom of the document
Ctrl + Left ArrowJump to the previous word
Ctrl + Right ArrowJumps to next word
Ctrl + Down ArrowJump to the next paragraph
PgUPGoes to the previous of the page
PgDnGoes to the next page
TabGoes to next cell of a table
Shift +TabGoes to previous cell of a table


Keyboard ShortcutsWhat the shortcut does
Ctrl + EnterInsert page break
Ctrl + InsertInsert a line breaks
Ctrl + NNew document
Ctrl+ Al t+ NDraft mode
Ctrl + OBrings up the Open File Dialog Box
Ctrl +Alt + OOutline Mode
Ctrl + SSaves document under the current name. Brings up the Save File Dialog Box
Ctrl + WClose the document
Ctrl + PPrints document or selected text
Ctrl + Alt + PPrint layout view
AltDisplay the access keys
Ctrl + FFind Text
Ctrl H or F5Find and replace text
Alt + TabAlternate between open windows
Ctrl + GGo to a page, bookmark, footnote, table, comment, graphic, or other location
Alt + ctrl + CInsert a copyright symbol
Alt + ctrl + TInsert a copyright symbol

Alt+ Shift+ D
Inserts todays date

Alt+ Shift+ T
Inserts current time

Alt+ Shift+ F
Inserts Footnote

Alt+ Shift+ D
Inserts Endnote
Alt + ctrl + CInsert a comment
Ctrl + KInserts hyperlink
F1Brings up Help
Ctrl + Shift + GWord Count
Alt + FFile screen
Ctrl+Shift+8Show/hide nonprinting characters
Alt + Shift + ETrack revisions
Alt + Shift + SSplit view

Click on the link below if you want more keyboard shortcuts

156 Shortcuts for Microsoft Word 2016 (Windows)

I hope you find the article useful.