Youtube Tips and Tricks

Youtube Tips and Tricks By Scott Sekinger

This article includes a bunch of useful tips on using Youtube which I think you will love.


Below are some useful Youtube shortcuts.

Up ArrowIncrease volume by5%
Down ArrowDecrease volume by 5%
MMutes volume
K or space barPauses the video
FGoes full screen
EscExist Full screen
HomeGoes to the beginning of the video
EndGoes to the end of the video
0Seek to the beginning of the video
1 – 9Seek to the 10% to 90% of the video
Right arrowGoes forward by 5%
Left ArrowGoes back by 5%
JGoes back 10 seconds
LGoes forward 10 seconds
.Moves forward frame by frame when paused
,Moves back frame by frame when paused
BCycle through options for caption background color
Shift + >Increase video speed in intervals 0.5 – 0.25 – normal – 1.25 – 1.5 – 2
Shift +<Decrease video speed in intervals 0.5 – 0.25 – normal – 1.25 – 1.5 – 2
CTurns on and off close captions
Shift +NMoves to the next video in a playlist
Shift + PMoves to the provisos video in a playlist

Other Tips

  1. Transcripts – You can see transcripts of what YouTube automatically generates for every video by clicking on more → transcripts.
  2. Video statistics – You can see the video statistics by clicking on more → statistics.
  3. Translation – You can add by clicking on more → Translations.
  4. Add to – Allow you to create your own playlist, add videos to a playlist including the Watch Later playlist.
  5. Clickable Links – You can add clickable links to your videos which YouTube calls “annotations” to your videos. These annotations work kind of like call-to-action buttons, and you can use them to link people to subscribe to your channel, to link to merchandise or a fundraising campaign, to go to another resource to learn more, and so on. To do this do the following:
    1. Go to your video manager screen.
    2. Hover over the video that you would like to edit. Click on the pencil when it appears.
    3. Select YouTube Annotations – Edit Video.
    4. When you are taken to a new screen, if this is the first time you are adding an annotation, you will see a banner that says, “Enable your account for external annotation links.” Click the enable button and accept YouTube’s terms and conditions.
    5. YouTube Annotations – enable
    6. At the top of the editing screen, click the Annotations button.
    7. YouTube Annotation Navigation
    8. Goto the video time that you would like to add the Annotation.
    9. To ensure that more people see your link, look at your channel stats to see the average viewer time. If you add the link to your video after that average time, you will miss impressions. As the saying goes, “ask early and often.” This applies to getting users to use YouTube links as well.
    10. Click the add annotation button. Select the link box and scroll down to Associated website. Add the link URL into the box.
    11. YouTube Annotations – Link
    12. Add the background and text would like to have in the link, and add as many annotations as you would like, but keep the tasteful and relevant to the video.
    13. Click the save/publish button.
    14. You now have a link from your YouTube video to your website, or any other site you wish to link your video to
  6. Auto Play – You can disable the Auto Play option by switch in the upper right hand cornner of the list of videos.
  7. History – You can delete videos from your history by clicking on the menu bar in the top left, select History, and click on the X next to video you want to delete..
  8. Theater Mode – You can enable Theater Mode by click on the solid rectangle to the right of the play button.
  9. Peggo is a website that can turn YouTube videos and SoundCloud tracks into MP3s.
  10. Subscribe button – This might be a no brainier, but I will say it any way make sure you have subscribe button at the end of your video to make it easy for people subscribe to channel.
  11. Length – Sometime viewers might get turned off by long videos. Only have videos as long as they need to be.
  12. Social Media – Using sites like Facebook and Twitter are good for spreading the word about your videos.
  13. Tags – Be specific with your tags on what your video is about this will it make it easier to find.
  14. Speech- Watch what you say. Some people could become offended and your views could down. Youtube could even taken down videos even channels because of certain topics.
  15. Copyright – Make sure you watch you only post material that you own, or are in public domain. Youtube will take you down if you are caught, and you could you could face other legal issues.
  16. Passion – Do videos that you care about not that you think will a lot of views.
  17. Privacy – Keep your activity private by going to and select what you want to keep private.
  18. Refine your search – You can refine your search by adding terms like the following
    1. “channel” or “playlist”
    2. “HD” for high-definition or “3D” for three-dimensional videos
    3. “allintitle” to get an exact match of your search query
    4. quotation marks, as well as a plus or minus sign to include or omit results (for example: “beyonce” + “destiny’s child” OR “Doctor” – “Who”)