Below is a list of great keyboard Windows 11 shortcuts. I believe you will find these incredibly useful.
Shortcut | Description |
<Ctril> + C | Copy selected text |
<Ctril> + X | Cut selected text |
<Ctril> + V | Paste selected text |
<Ctril> + A | Selects all text |
<Ctrl> + <Z> | Undo action. |
<Ctrl> + <P> | Brings up the print option in most programs. |
<Shift> + <Arrow Key> | Selects characters or characters depending on the arrow key you pressed |
<Shift> + <End> | Selects text to the end of the line |
<Shift> + <Home> | Selects text to the beginning of the line |
<Shift> + <PGDN> | Selects text page by page going down a page at a time |
<Shift> + <PGUP> | Selects text page by page going up a page at a time |
<ALT> + <F4> | Closes an application. |
<Shift> + <Delete> | Deletes files or folders without send them fo the Recycle Bin |
<Windows Key> | Brings up the Start Menu |
<Windows Key> + <A> | Opens Action Center |
<Windows Key> +<C> | Brings up Teams |
<Windows Key> + <D> | Displays and hides the desktop. |
<Windows Key> + <E> | Brings up Window’s File Explorer. |
<Windows Key> + <F> | Allows you to give Microsoft feedback |
<Windows Key> + <H> | Starts dictation |
<Windows Key> + <I> | Opens Windows Settings Menu |
<Windows Key> + <X> | Opens Windows power user menu. |
<Windows Key> + <R> | Brings up the Run box |
<Windows Key> + <L> | Locks the PC |
<Windows Key> + <,> | Allows you to take a quick peak at your desktop. |
<Windows> + <;> | Brings up the Emoj dialog box. |
<Windows Key> + <M> | Minimizes all Windows. |
<Windows Key> + <N> | Launches Notification |
<Windows Key> + <O> | Locks device orientation. |
<Windows Key> + <T> | Cycles through apps open on the taskbar |
<Windows Key> + <V> | Opens the Clipboard. |
<Windows Key> + <TAB> | Brings up the Task View |
<Windows Key + <PrnScr> | Takes a screenshot, and saves it in the Picture folder |
<Windows Key> +<Up Arrow> | Maximizes current window. |
<Windows Key> +<Down Arrow> | Restores window size |
<Windows Key> +<Right Arrow> | Snaps the current window to the right |
<Windows Key> +<Right Arrow> | Snaps the current window to the left |
<Windows Key +<G> | Starts recording screen active |
<Windows Key +< Alt><G> | Starts recording in the active window |
<Windows Key +< Alt><R> | Stops recording |
<Windows Key +< W> | Brings up the Widgets |
<Windows Key +<P> | Allows you to switch between display modes when you have more then one monitor connected. |
<Ctrl> + <TAB> | Moves forwards through the Tabs. |
<Ctrl> + <Shift>+ <TAB> | Moves backwards through the Tabs. |
<Windows Key> <1..9> | Either switches or launches apps on the taskbar |
<Windows Key> + <Enter> | Opens Narrator |
If you want more shortcuts go