Top 76 Windows 10 Commands By Scott Sekinger
Below is an updated list of the top Windows 10 commands. These tools should be ran from elevated command line prompt. These commands could be used in a batch file, or just ran on their own
1. Help – displays a list of all of the commands available
2. Assoc -This display or modifies file name extension associations. Used without parameters, Assoc displays a list of all the current file name extension associations. The /? will give a complete list of arguments
3. Cls – clears the screen from the command window.
4. sfc – This command checks Windows to see if there are any corrupted or missing files. Admin privileges a required. The /? will give a complete list of arguments. The most useful and commonly switch is /scannow.
5. Driverquery – This command displays information about the drivers on your PC. The /? will give a complete list of arguments.
6. Utilman – Runs the Utility Manager.
7. Shutdown – This command allows you to logoff, restart, shutdown, or place your or other people’s PCs in hibernation. The /? will give a complete list of arguments. Shutdown /i in my opinion is the most useful and the safest option.
8. Control – Brings up the Control Panel.
9. cmd – Opens a command prompt. I suggest typing cmd in the search box, right clicking, and selecting Run as administrator. The /? will give a complete list of arguments
10. netstat – This display current TCPIP connections and protocols statics. The /? will give a complete list of arguments.
11. Ping – Ping test the capability of the a PC to reach its destination. he /? will give a complete list of arguments.
12. pathping – Pathping provides detail information on the path between two hosts and Ping-like statistics for each node in the path based on samples taken over a time period, depending on how many nodes are between the start and end host. The /? will give a complete list of arguments.
13. nslookup – Nslookup used to diagnose DNS problems The /? will give a complete list of arguments.
14. Tracert – Tracert displays information on the path that a packet takes from the computer or device you’re on to whatever destination you specify. The /? will give a complete list of arguments.
15. Ipconfig – Ipconfig display the network settings currently assigned and given by a network. This command can be utilized to verify a network connection as well as to verify your network settings. The /? will give a complete list of arguments.
16. Gpupdate – This update the Group Policies on your PC if your PC is part of a Windows domain. The /? will give a complete list of arguments.
17. Gpresult – This displays the Group Policies on your PC if your PC is part of a Windows domain. The /? will give a complete list of arguments. An administrator account will show settings that a standard user will not see that are applied to the PC. The /h is the most useful
18. Notepad – Runs the Window’s text editor
19. Wordpad – Wordpad is Windows basic word processor.
20. Calc – Runs Window’s calculator.
21. Mspaint – Launches the Windows paint.
22. FC – This allows to compare two files. The /? will give a complete list of arguments.
23. Dir – This list the files/folders in a folder or folders. The /? will give a complete list of arguments
24. Taskmgr – Runs the Window’s task manger
25. Tasklist – Taklist displays a list of applications and services with their Process ID (PID) for all tasks running on either a local or a remote computer.The /? will give a complete list of arguments
26. Taskkill – Taskkill ends one or more tasks or processes. Processes can be killed by process ID or image name. The /? will give a complete list of arguments
27. Taskschd.msc – Runs the Task Schedular,
28. Powercfg – Powercfg enables users to control power settings on a local system.The /? will give a complete list of arguments.
29. Winver – Winver tells you what version you are using.
30. Mrt – Lunches Windows malleolus removal tool.
31. doskey/history – display the recent commands typed.
32. Explorer – Launches Windows Explorer.
33. Documents – Opens Documents folder.
34. Downloads – Open Downloads folder.
35. Videos – Opens videos folder.
36. Pictures – Opens Picture folder.
37. Recent – Opens Recent folder.
38. Set – Set The /? will give a complete list of arguments.
39. Path – List the folders Windows looks for a program file to run.
40. Type – This displays the contents of a text file.
41. & – This allows you to combine commands.
42. > – This redirects the output. Useful to redirect screen output to a text(.txt) file.
43. >> This redirects the output but appends. Useful to redirect screen output to a text(.txt) file.
44. | clip – This copies output to the clipboard
45. |more – allows you to pause a screen at a time so you can read it. displays, sets, or removes environment variables. Used without parameters, set displays the current environment settings…
46. Msra – Launches Window’s Remote Assistance
47. Mstsc – Runs Remote Desktop.
48. Sdclt – Allows you to backup and restore files.
49. Rstrui – Launches System Restore
50. Msconfig – Opens System Information.
51. Wusa – Runs the Window’s Update Standalone installer.
52. Cleanmgr – Runs Window’s Disk Cleanup.
53. chkdsk – Chkdsk attempt to detect and correct disk errors This could take a while. The /? will give a complete list of arguments
54. Recdisc – Creates a system repair disk that can be used to repair, and reinstall Windows.
55. msinfo32 – This gives a lot of information about of your PC
56. systeminfo – This gives operating system configuration information for a local or remote machine, including service pack levels. The /? will give a complete list of arguments.
57. Robocopy – Robocopy is a very powerful copy utility that is very scriptable. The /? will give a complete list of arguments.
58. Regedit – Runs the Registry Editor.
59. Psr – Runs the Problem Step Recorder.
60. Snippingtool – Runs the Snip it tool.
61. OsK – Launches the onscreen keyboard.
62. Iexplore – Runs Internet Explorer.
63. Mobsync – Opens the Sync Center.
64. Msiexec – Installs/ uninstalls MSI packages via the command line.
65. Optionalfeatures – Opens the Add / Remove Features Control Panel.
66. Net – The net command is a Command Prompt command that can be used to manage almost any aspect of a network and its settings including network shares, network print jobs, network users, and much more.
67. Wmplayer – Runs Window’s Media Player
68. Mdsched.exe – Runs Windows Memory Diagnostics.
69. Slui – Window’s Activation Client.
70. Wf.msc – Opens Windows Firewall with Advanced Security.
71. firewall.cpl – Opens the Windows Firewall Control Panel.
72. Perfmon.msc – Launches Performance’s Monitor.
73. Resmon – Launches Resource Monitor.
74. Wmic – Runs the Windows Management Instrumentation Command
75. Tsdiscon – Allows you to switch users in Windows 10.
76. Start – Start a program, command or batch script (opens in a new window.)
Below are some good resources for Windows 10 commands.
I hope you find this article very useful.