Best LibreOffice Writer Shortcuts

  1. Ctrl + N: Creates a blank document.
  2. Ctrl + S: Saves document
  3. Ctrl + B: Bold
  4. Ctrl + I: Italic
  5. Ctrl + U: Underline
  6. Ctrl + Shift + K: Small Caps
  7. Ctrl + Shift + L: All Caps
  8. Ctrl + D: Font Formatting Dialog Box
  9. Ctrl + Shift + P: Paragraph Formatting Dialog Box
  10. Ctrl + Shift + R: Right Align
  11. Ctrl + Shift + E: Center Align
  12. Ctrl + Shift + J: Justify
  13. Ctrl + Shift + D: Double Underline
  14. Ctrl + Shift + G: Group/Ungroup
  15. Ctrl + Shift + H: Hidden/Visible Paragraphs
  16. Ctrl + Shift + T: Table of Contents
  17. Ctrl + Shift + F: Find and Replace
  18. Ctrl + Shift + N: Numbering/Bullets
  19. Ctrl + Shift + S: Save As
  20. Ctrl + Shift + O: Open File
  21. Ctrl + K: Insert Hyperlink
  22. Ctrl + F2: Edit Fields
  23. Ctrl + Alt + C: Copyright Symbol
  24. Ctrl + Alt + T: Trademark Symbol
  25. Ctrl + Alt + R: Registered Trademark Symbol
  26. Ctrl + Shift + M: Merge Cells
  27. Ctrl + Shift + S: Split Cells
  28. Ctrl + Shift + W: Wrap Text
  29. Ctrl + Shift + V: Paste Special
  30. Ctrl + Alt + V: Paste Unformatted Text
  31. Ctrl + Alt + F: Footnote and Endnote Dialog Box
  32. Ctrl + Alt + I: Table Formula Dialog Box
  33. Ctrl + Alt + O: Options Dialog Box
  34. Ctrl + Alt + G: Word Count Statistics
  35. Ctrl + Alt + U: Update All Indexes and Tables
  36. Ctrl + Alt+ E: Edit Mode for Selected Object(s)
  37. Shift+F3 : Change Case of the selected text.
  38. Shift+F3: Change Case of the selected text.
  39. Ctrl + Shift + H: Hidden/Visible Paragraphs
  40. Ctrl + Shift + T: Table of Contents
  41. Ctrl + Alt + F: Footnote and Endnote Dialog Box
  42. Ctrl + Alt + I: Table Formula Dialog Box
  43. Ctrl + Alt + O: Options Dialog Box
  44. Ctrl + Alt + G: Word Count Statistics
  45. Ctrl + Alt+ U: Update All Indexes and Tables
  46. Ctrl + Alt+ E: Edit Mode for Selected Object(s)
  47. Shift+F3 : Change Case of the selected text.
  48. Alt+F7 : Spellcheck
  49. Alt+Shift+A : AutoCorrect options
  50. Alt+Shift+C : Insert a comment
  51. Alt+Shift+N : Create a new document from template.
  52. Alt+Shift+S : Save a copy of the document as PDF
  53. Alt+Shift+E : Send as email attachment
  54. Alt+Shift+T : Insert a table
  55. Alt+F7: Spellcheck
  56. Alt+Shift+A: AutoCorrect options
  57. Alt+Shift+C: Insert a comment
  58. Alt+Shift+N: Create a new document
  59. Alt+Shift+S: Save a copy of the document as PDF
  60. Alt+Shift+E: Send as email attachment
  61. Alt+Shift+T: Insert a table
  62. Ctrl + Shift + F12: Open Document Information Dialog Box
  63. Ctrl + Shift + U: Change Case of the selected text to uppercase.
  64. Ctrl + Shift + L: Change Case of the selected text to lowercase.
  65. Ctrl + Shift + W: Toggle Wrap Off/On for Selected Objects.
  66. Ctrl + Shift + E: Edit Style Dialog Box.
  67. Ctrl + Shift + Q: Apply Style.
  68. Ctrl + Alt + B : Bookmark Dialog Box.
  69. Ctrl + Alt + N : Footnote and Endnote Dialog Box.
  70. Ctrl + Alt + T : Table Properties Dialog Box.
  71. Ctrl + Alt+ X : Index Entry Dialog Box.
  72. F11 : Styles and Formatting Task Pane.
  73. Ctrl + Shift + F12: Open Document Information Dialog Box
  74. Ctrl + Shift + U: Change Case of the selected text to uppercase.
  75. Ctrl + Shift + L: Change Case of the selected text to lowercase.
  76. Ctrl + Shift + W: Toggle Wrap Off/On for Selected Objects.
  77. Ctrl + Shift + E: Edit Style Dialog Box.
  78. Ctrl + Shift + Q: Apply Style.
  79. Ctrl + Alt + B : Bookmark Dialog Box.
  80. Ctrl + Alt + N : Footnote and Endnote Dialog Box.
  81. Ctrl + Alt + T : Table Properties Dialog Box.
  82. Ctrl + Alt+ X : Index Entry Dialog Box.
  83. F11 : Styles and Formatting Task Pane.
  84. Alt+Shift+D : Insert a date field
  85. Alt+Shift+T : Insert a time field
  86. Alt+Shift+F : Insert a footnote
  87. Alt+Shift+E : Edit the hyperlink
  88. Alt+Shift+B : Insert a bookmark
  89. Alt+Shift+F10 : Display the context menu
  90. Alt+F8 : Macros dialog box
  91. Alt+F11 : Open Basic IDE (Integrated Development Environment)
  92. F1 or Ctrl+F1 or Shift+F1 or Ctrl+Shift+F1 or Ctrl+Apostrophe(‘) or F6 or Ctrl+W or Esc or Backspace or Delete: Help
  93. Alt+Shift+D: Insert a date field
  94. Alt+Shift+T: Insert a time field
  95. Alt+Shift+F: Insert a footnote
  96. Alt+Shift+E: Edit the hyperlink
  97. Alt+Shift+B: Insert a bookmark
  98. Alt+Shift+F10: Display the context menu
  99. Alt+F8: Macros dialog box
  100. Alt+F11: Open Basic IDE (Integrated Development Environment)
  101. F1 or Ctrl+F1 or Shift+F1 or Ctrl+Shift+F1 or Ctrl+Apostrophe(‘) or F6 or Ctrl+W or Esc or Backspace or Delete: Help
  102. Ctrl + Shift + A: Select All Text in Document
  103. Ctrl + Shift + Z: Redo Last Action
  104. Ctrl + Alt + S : Save and Send as Email Attachment
  105. Ctrl + Alt + N : Create New Style from Selection
  106. Ctrl + Alt + C : Copy Style
  107. Ctrl + Alt + V : Paste Style
  108. – These shortcuts are for LibreOffice Writer version 7.0.
  109. – Some shortcuts may not work on other versions of LibreOffice Writer.

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