Christmas Public Domain Movies 2022

Looking for some good Christmas movies that you can watch / download for free.  If so you are in luck Public Domain has a number of free movies, you can do that below is a list of my top picks you can watch for free.

Scrooge 1935

“Seymour Hicks plays the title role in the first sound version of the Dickens classic about the miser who’s visited by three ghosts on Christmas Eve. This British import is notable for being the only adaptation of this story with an invisible Marley’s Ghost and its Expressionistic cinematography. This is the uncut 78 minute version”

Santa’s Surprise

“Five children from around the world follow Santa home on Christmas Eve, and decide to give him some extra help around the workshop.”

Santa Claus (versus the devil)

Go to Santa Claus (1959 film) – Wikipedia for the description.

Santa Claus Conquers the Martians

“In this holiday cult classic, Martians kidnap Santa and two local kids, forcing them to make toys for the depressed children of Mars. But you can’t manufacture happiness, and Santa will teach the aliens the true meaning of Christmas!”

Snow Queen

“The original English dub of the Russian animation of the Snow Queen”

Babes in Toyland 1934

Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer

A short animated version of Rudolph. Still don’t know why everyone’s a jerk to the poor kid. Oh, and Rudolph’s mom is disturbingly hot.”

I hope you find of these films entertaining

Happy Holidays